About us - 10x programmers, without 10x the cost

Fortune 500 or well-funded startups usually snatch up all the 10x programemrs. Turns out, not all of them.

We appreciate and acknowledge the unique ability of top tier talent to design and ship better solutions, faster, and cheaper than their less talented peers. It is a fact of life.

At Cedar Labs, we retain proven industry operators who are not usually available to smaller clients, a distinct competitive advantage compared to other contract dev shops who are forced to accept lesser talent or outsource to other labor markets.

We strip away the usual, frustrating bureaucracy of their day jobs, and let them run free. Free to unlock a future for your organization by building delightful technical solutions to your most pressing problems.

Our culture - Doing good work is the reward.

We are a group of digital artisans who have deep respect for our craft.

  • High standards. When given the choice between shipping fast or writing code that lasts, our team uniquely will push back with the correct response: why not both?
  • Honesty. In hashing out project scope, progress updates, or evaluating launch succcess, we prefer to treat clients with the same level of refreshing honesty that we give to ourselves: we can always be better.
  • Respect. We respect your business, your resources, your vision enough to not string you along to drain your budgets with over-priced, under-delivered, bloated tech debt. We will be honest with what we can achieve within your budget, and work swiftly to deliver results.

Tell us about your project, we can help